Our Mission

OWL360 provides the young people of Jefferson County opportunities for sustainable independence through: affordable housing, support services, community connections,

and programs and events.

Our Programs

OWL360 takes a holistic approach to helping young people. OurAffordable Housing Program: The Pfeiffer and Parliament Houses offer affordable housing for young people 18-24 in Port Townsend who would otherwise by unhoused.The Nest is a welcoming coffeehouse for young people to meet each other, access resources, and gain social and employment opportunities.The Clemente Courseoffers accredited college level humanities courses and covers student costs including tuition, books, childcare, and transportation. And theWorkforce Development Program supports career pathways for young people to find sustainable independece.

We believe that creating supportive, healthy environments for young people to choose their own path is the most sustainable and authentic way to support them in their autonomy and brilliance. 

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