Clemente Course

The Clemente Course at owl360


Art by Clemente graduate

Because Education Matters

Are you interested in sharing your ideas and becoming more connected to your community?

Do you want to learn more about art, philosophy, and literature?

Would you like to better understand history  and take control of your future? 

...then Clemente is the right place for you!

We are here to answer your questions.


The Clemente Course at OWL360 (Clemente) offers a transformative, college-level educational experience for those facing economic hardship and adverse circumstances. Clemente empowers students to further their education and careers, become effective advocates for themselves and their families, and engage actively in the cultural and civic lives of their communities.

There is no charge to students. All costs for books and tuition are covered and we offer childcare and transportation vouchers for those who need them. Participants who complete the course demonstrating college-level work can earn transferable college credit, but you are welcome to participate even if you aren’t interested in earning college credit. 

High school diplomas or GEDs are not required and your current academic standing—for example, if you are currently enrolled in another training or education program or had to drop out of school because of life circumstances—has no impact on your ability to participate. 

What qualifications do you need to apply?

Curiosity, time, and basic reading and writing skills. 

Sign up here for the next class!

January 7 - June 19

Tuesday & Thursday evenings, 6:00 - 8:30 PM

Peninsula College, Fort Worden Campus

Questions? Email Dana Weir:

Our 2025 Theme ~ Thresholds

All human beings cross through thresholds during significant moments in their lives. By exploring Art, History, Philosophy, Literature, Critical Thinking and Writing, the Clemente Course offers a particular kind of threshold for participants to pause and reflect upon
their unique journeys.

The Gate at Finnriver Farm

“Clemente helped me find myself.

It also reminded me how healing education is.”   

~Clemente Course graduate

"This was an unforgettable experience!"

~Clemente Course graduate

"Having childcare made it possible for me and my partner to attend together. That made a huge difference"

~Clemente Course graduate

  • Two women are posing for a picture and one is holding a book

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    Write your caption here
  • A group of people posing for a picture holding papers

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  • A black board with a drawing of leaves on it

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  • Three books stacked on top of each other including metamorphoses

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    Write your caption here
  • A piece of paper with the letter u on it

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    Write your caption here



To remove significant obstacles that impede access to higher education
by providing tuition, books, childcare and transportation
at no cost to qualified students.


To create a bridge to higher education
by developing the skills, confidence and motivation necessary to succeed in that context.


To bring the clarity and beauty of the humanities to people
who have historically been deprived of these riches through economic, social, or political forces. 


To strengthen habits of reflection and critical thinking so that students are
better able to control the direction of their lives and engage effectively in action to improve their communities.

Clemente Advisory Committee

Dana Weir, Lela Hilton, John Pierce, Taylor Corrigan, Amanda Thieroff, Heather McRae-Woolf, Zhaleh Almaee

    With deepest thanks to our academic partners!
A logo for bard a place to think
The logo for the clemente course in the humanities
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